So, as of midnight on 4 April 2018 companies with over
250 employees have had to report on their gender pay gap. It’s a milestone achievement to officially
recognise that there is a gender pay gap, even though there are many who swear
there is no such thing. And the vitriol
from those who think it’s a feminist generated plot to undermine men’s roles in
society is astounding.
What’s interesting is the breakdown displayed so
far. RyanAir report the highest GPG at 71.8%,
saying that it’s because pilots are the best paid (male dominated) and women
make up the majority of the lower paid roles.
Conversely certain High Street brands report no difference, whilst 8% of
those who have declared so far, report they pay women more. The GPG in reverse as it were.
There’s also a clear sector differential with the highest
gap being in the construction industry, closely followed by finance and
insurance. Yes these are traditionally
male dominated industries but education, which is frequently declared to be a
profession that attracts more females, is running a close fourth.
Where then is the source of the issue and thus the source
of the solution?
Stereotypes reinforce
sector differentials
Of course it’s more complex than just one issue and one
solution. Parents, society, education,
the media all have a role to play in challenging stereotypes and the sector
differentials by encouraging girls to enter STEM whilst boys can make good careers
within social care.
But can they? Can
either poles be truly equal? Not
currently because society puts different values against each option with unconscious
biases regarding the skills and qualities required, labelling them as either
male or female. The reality is that we
can all learn the skills and qualities – it takes an effort on the part of the
industries themselves to change things. And an effort it will be if this issue is to
be fully addressed. For what’s the point
in reporting it if no action is going to be taken to change?
And then we have the huge bulk of businesses who employ
less than 250 people. Are they equally
cognisant of the issue? Are they
recognising and, importantly, dealing with it? They won't be immune from the fall out as customers and employees may well start to question them on pay differentials. Certainly if they're part of a larger supply chain in government contracts they may well have to prove their credentials on this issue.
A moral hysteria?
There are those who think it’s a flash in the pan, the
latest moral hysteria that sweeps societies periodically. Give it six months or so and things will
quieten down. There’ll be no penalties
issued for those who do not report, no backlash if things don’t improve.
Yes, things will quieten down and yes, there will be some
who do not report and some who do nothing …
I sense a paradigm shift here. There is a new wave of feminism driving this. Not the hawkish, demanding feminism (or so it
seems to be described now) of the 60s and 70s.
No, this is a quieter, more assured, socially, societally grounded feminism that recognises true
equality between men and women. And now
it’s being accepted that it’s OK in the UK to talk about pay, about what you earn. The more it is described within the media
and the boardroom, over the water cooler and the sports fields, the more women,
and men, will demand it. That demand can
only be fulfilled by the industries themselves.
Leaders must
embrace a new paradigm
It takes excellent leadership to redirect the habits and
practices within industries, to reshape the cultures and those unconscious
biases mentioned earlier. It takes
leadership to take an organisation in a new direction and deal with the flack
that always comes as a result of change.
Some leaders have already recognised this and are actively
making a difference. Do you consider
yourselves to be amongst them? Would
others agree with you or would they think you’re complacent or complicit? Do you recognise leadership within your
industry or community and if so are they supported? Or are they bashing their heads against a
brick wall?
Leaders today have a decision to make. They will decide whether to embrace the new
paradigm and get the support to do so, or they will decide to wait and
see. The ‘wait and see’ brigade may well
end up the ‘wait and decline’ squad as its workforce, and customers, gravitate
to those who are fessing up and actively changing. They will be the ones who have acknowledged
the under-utilisation of 50% of the population as industry differentials are
challenged. It won’t be easy – leadership
was ever thus – but it can be done.
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